Last month I had the honor of speaking alongside Dr. Aaron Bryant, museum curator at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, at the Anna Centenary Library in Chennai.
In his talk, Dr. Bryant pointed out that Gandhi helped shape Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s vision of nonviolence. After my own talk, during the Q&A that followed with both of us, I realized a connection I hadn’t seen before.
Since the Kural is one of the key works that nourished Gandhi’s thinking, there is thus a hidden thread between the Kural, Martin Luther King, Jr., and ways of resisting violence and oppression peacefully and powerfully.
You can read more about the talk in this article from the Times of India:

You can also watch the TN Talk with Dr. Aaron Bryant and myself on the Anna Centenary Library YouTube Channel:
- Dr. Bryant’s talk begins at 6:32
- My talk begins at 26:50
- The joint Q&A begins at 48:28
Facing Tumult with Integrity:
The Kural, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, Jr. on Nonviolent Action
As the free introductory class for my upcoming online class on the Kural, Taller Than A Mountain, I plan to explore the connection between Thiruvalluvar, Gandhi, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and show how these three visionaries can inspire clarity and courageous action in our own time and place.
Please do join me if you’re interested!

Here’s what I hope you’ll gain from this class:
- A wider perspective on the practice of nonviolence that can steady and nourish our hearts and minds in times of change.
- A friend and companion in the form of the poet Tiruvalluvar, whose work speaks to the present, offers new ways of seeing old problems, and cultivates practical wisdom in the nitty gritty of daily life.
- An understanding of how ideals and practices travel across the borders of language, culture, religion, and community to nourish and support efforts to live together in harmony.
This live class will be recorded, so even if you can’t attend live, you’ll be able to access the recording.
May we all find ways to dream and act with integrity and grace, even in trying times.