I’m thrilled to announce that Marrowstone Press has released my new book of poems. The Safety of Edges is my first full-length collection, and since the work is dedicated to David, my publisher thought we should release it on Valentine’s Day. You can learn more about it, watch a video of me reading the book’s opening poem, and listen to an interview in the books section of this website.
The book’s first reading and signing will be at the Vashon Bookshop on Thursday, March 14, at 6:00pm. Other readings are scheduled and being scheduled through the rest of the year, including appearances at the Vashon Literary Conference and the Cascadia Poetry Festival. Please check the the list of upcoming events and appearances for updates.
If you’d like to be notified about special events and other forthcoming books, please do sign up on the mailing list.
Once again, my deepest thanks to everyone who helped make this book possible. May it reach every heart to whom its poems may sing.